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Presentation on the LWV Vermont Healthcare/Privatization Proposed Position
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Healthcare is rapidly being privatized. Why did LWV Vermont find this to be a bad idea? Why did LWV Vermont find the LWVUS positions on Healthcare and Privatization to be inadequate?
Q1. Why do we need a new position on privatization? Isn’t the LWVUS current position adequate?
A1. The issue is that the current position is open to more than one interpretation. For example, one might interpret it as not including “health care” (just “public health”) in the list of essential services that should not be privatized.
Q2. Do you propose that the Vermont update replace the LWVUS position?
A2. No, the current position remains in force. We can’t eliminate a position, but we can add elements like those Vermont felt it needed to add.
Q3. Is the proposed update intended to add to the LWVUS Health Care position (under Social Policy)? or the Privatization position under “Representative Government?
A3. This proposed update is to the LWVUS Position on Privatization. It will not affect the Health Care Position. In fact, Vermont felt emphatically that the Health Care position would not be the appropriate location for the update. (see link below: LWVUS Impact on Issues - Privatization)
Q4. What are the criteria for “failing to deliver”?
A4. Criteria that speak to this are found in the current LWVUS position; the VT position merely operationalizes what had been envisioned. It clearly provides consequences for failing to live up to the considerations–namely that “the services or assets will be returned to the government.”
Attend one of the two general meetings scheduled to learn more and plan to discuss the topic at the April unit meetings.
LWVJeffco Presentation 040124:
The LWVJeffco Health Interest Group presentation overviews the proposed position by LWV Vermont regarding the privatization of healthcare. (recorded April 1, 2024 / Length: 22 minutes)
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